Cleaning Kit

Cleaning Up Noisy Recordings

Trevor Wishart (July 2007)



The 'Cleaning Kit' was originally developed to clean up vocal recordings made in noisy environments.

Typical sources of noise might be ...

The Cleaning Kit uses some existing and some new CDP programs to tackle all of these situations. However, it is not possible to deal with all possible noise intrusions.
At present, the Cleaning Kit handles only mono files. To clean stereo or multichannel files you will need to split the source into its constituent channels and clean each channel separately.

The Cleaning Kit Framework

The Main Cleaning Kit window presents

The Cleaning Kit Tools and their Uses

There are currently 13 options for cleaning sources.
You can call any one of these options br pressing the button adjacent to its name.
When a tool is called, a new window will appear and you will be asked to enter relevant parameters for that Cleaning process.

TheCleaning options are